Grow Your Body and Be Healthy.

Soylent Green brings you all of the nutrients you need in a cheap and affordable way. By taking Soylent Green, you are helping your body and helping your wallet. Soylent Green: the food made out of Humans. 

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Soylent Green

All the nutrients you need to stay healthy!


Made from organic, whole body humans. No processing. Straight from the human to the food. There are also no preservatives.  


High in nutrients such as Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fiber, Calcium, Potassium, and Various minerals. The amount of nutrients in this product allow this to be an everyday substitute for “real food.” The use of humans in our product brings so much nutrients that would have never been seen before.

What Does Soylent Green Contain?
{other than humans of course}

Plans & Pricing

No credit card required. No risk, 30-day money back guarantee!


$15 /month
20 Meals a Week
0 Soylent Members
Basic Nutrients
Maximum Nutrients 
Intake Tracking and Statistics through IOS and Android App, Priority Support, Nutritional Plan
Unlimited and Choice of Humans
Choose Plan


$30 /month
50 Meals A Week
1 Soylent Member
Basic Nutrients
Maximum Nutrients
Intake Tracking and Statistics through IOS and Android App, Priority Support, Nutritional Plan
Unlimited and Choice of Humans
Choose Plan


$75 /month
200 Meals A Week
3 Soylent Members
Basic Nutrients
Maximum Nutrients
Intake Tracking and Statistics through IOS and Android App, Priority Support, Nutritional Plan
Unlimited and Choice of Humans
Choose Plan


$250 /month
Unlimited Meals A Week
10 Soylent Members
Basic Nutrients
Maximum Nutrients
Intake Tracking and Statistics through IOS and Android App, Priority Support, Nutritional Plan
Unlimited and Choice of Humans
Choose Plan
Need more Meals or Soylent Members? Please contact us.

What People Say About Us

“The food made by Soylent Green is amazing. The taste of humans is great and I would recommend it to anyone. I have been able to gain weight substantially, but have also been able to be healthy by gaining muscle mass.”

Robert Kraft
Chief Executive Officer of The Kraft Group

“Soylent Green is one of the best products I have ever used. It provides me with the energy and strength to get me through the day. I would highly recommend this product for anyone.”

Indra Nooyi
CEO at PepsiCo

“Tastes like chicken!”

John A. Bryant
CEO at Kelloggs